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Discovering candidate names is just the beginning. The true artistry of exceptional recruiting lies in captivating and engaging candidates at the perfect moment. Dive into our September Pulse article to uncover how timing is everything.
Every employer is on the quest to find and hire impressive candidates – the very best in their field. This quest becomes achievable through a clear talent acquisition strategy. While the depth of this strategy could extend across multiple articles, let’s start with a look at the first three activities to develop a comprehensive candidate network.
  • Cultivating Relationships – Our approach begins with fostering and nurturing relationships specifically within our recruitment niche: medical device sales and marketing leadership roles across major U.S. cities. Get curious about your industry and who the key companies are. This expertise enables you to dive deep into the talent pool, consistently connecting with individuals for potential opportunities. Your firm’s reputation and credibility serve as a beacon of trust and assurance for candidates facing the significant decision of a career change. With us, they find comfort and trust to navigate the complexities of job transition. Be sure your engagement strategy is meticulous and multi-faceted, employing compelling content to spark and sustain meaningful dialogue.
  • Candidate Attraction and Engagement – Here, effective marketing plays a crucial role in attracting the right candidate. As a third party, we act as ambassadors for our clients’ brands. Our goal is to present our opportunities in a way that is not only honest and detailed, but also engaging. Over the past year video job descriptions and attraction-based role descriptions have been useful to engage candidates, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about proceeding with a potential interview process.
  • Timing is Everything – The journey of discovering, attracting, and engaging with potential candidates represents just a portion of your recruitment challenge. The candidates’ current and unique life circumstances are the remaining puzzle pieces in determining if they could be at the right point to consider a change. Ask about their career goals and aspirations. Our aim is to craft meaningful connections, introducing candidates to roles that resonate with their objectives. When an opportunity aligns perfectly with their goals at the right moment, everything falls into place effortlessly!
I absolutely love this process, and watching it work for our candidates and clients is what gets my team and me out of bed every day. It’s both an art and a science and not easy to master without thinking through all the details of every step along the way. When it comes together we get to experience a unique joy of solving a challenging problem that leaves everyone thrilled.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this and what questions you have. We’d love to help you and your teams achieve their goals this year and beyond.